Hiring Leaders & Candidates: A lesson to remember: The Duo Winner – The Meeting Point (Readiness to Hire and Get Hired)
Aug 27, 2024
Hello World,
Today I want to tackle one of the most important elements to align conversations between Companies –/ Hiring Leaders & Candidates:
I am talking about READINESS.
That precise moment in time and circumstances when companies – hiring leaders are ready to make a hiring decision and when candidates are ready to perform and accept a potential offer because they have all the competencies required for the role.
Then this is what I call the meeting point – The Duo Winner. (The power of CAN + WANT)
Quite often, you can see tremendous potential in a company or in a candidate but then they are not ready in the dimension of the NOW. Maybe they WANT. But they do not have all the attributes or competencies needed to be successful.
Sometimes, companies do not have the budgets or candidates do not have the experience or competencies, but they want to work for the “’X” Company or they want to hire “Y” Candidate.
And as much as I am a fan of talent development and have done it for years on the Talent Search – Recruiting Arena I can tell that the majority of the companies need and want the talent READY TO PERFORM IN THE NOW.
This also happens on the candidate side too. They WANT to join a GOOD Company NOW not in the Future.
Because being honest, no one enjoys the drama and the nightmares of a bad hiring decision or bad job selection.
So, I want to encourage you to do an honest acknowledgement of where you at right now:
Readiness to hire for a Company means:
- You have the budget, MONEY - SALARY and are financially healthy to hire someone new on your team.
- You have the infrastructure needed to onboard successfully the candidate.
- You have the time, passion, and interest to onboard successfully the candidate.
If you are the candidate Readiness to get hired means:
CAN + WANT in the NOW.
- You have all the competencies (knowledge, experience, capabilities, attributes) required by the company to perform effectively in the role that you are applying.
- You are super passionate and committed and see yourself working with that company.
And I know, you maybe are thinking, ok Ivonne give us some examples:
Well, sure, I have some for you.
With still some Paris Olympic fever on my veins, could you picture asking Simone Biles or Rebeca Andrade if they could do synchronized swimming?
Is not that they cannot do it, POTENTIALLY, THEY COULD, it is just that is not in the NOW.
Their talent is based on their current competencies and performance.
Another example can be when you have a top salesperson and then you want to promote them as Marketing & Sales Manager.
Is not that the salesperson cannot develop the competencies needed for the role, is that in the dimension on the NOW, is not fully ready or even DO NOT WANT TO DO IT.
So, for all the futurists out there, relax, put your bets, monsters, and fears aside momentarily.
Focus on the Now to achieve the DUO Winner – The Meeting Point.
- And of course, the unique exception of this DUO Winner is when you are looking to hire trainees, or interns because They of course won’t have all the competencies on the now, but then and only then , you will see their potential to perform, and because you are committed to their development ,you are up for the incredible ride to invest, teach, train and coach them.
And yes, I’ll say momentarily, because I’ll talk more later about when you hire based on future POTENTIAL.
Risky? Yes, sometimes….
So, more to come, yesss. Stay Tuned!
As always, thanks for reading.
Tell me your thoughts, fears, monsters in your head, questions, stories.
For your success,
Ivonne Feizy
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