Hiring Leaders: The Crystal-Clear Framework to hire faster
Jan 09, 2023
Here are the two characteristics of an open requisition or job order that will make your Talent Acquisition Team and Recruiting Firm run as speedo and present the qualified candidates you need. I am named this:
The Crystal-Clear Framework. (Clear as a crystal).
- U= Understanding - Requirements
You need to ensure that your requirements are so clear to us that we fully understand them. So then, we need to have your:
- Must have requirements. (These are your non-negotiables). Explained in this way:
THE KNOW - What knowledge does the candidate need to have?
THE CAN - What level of practice does the candidate need to perform?
Tip: The term "years of experience" does not help. Try using these dimensions to explain the expertise: BASIC, INTERMEDIATE, and ADVANCED.
THE WANT - What type of values and attitudes does the candidate need to have to perform?
Finally, the acid proof: Can you afford that type of talent?
- A = Affordability - Budget / Salary Offered
Salary is one of the most important filters when considering potential candidates, so we need to make sure this is clear.
Here are some rules and steps to follow:
- Review your entire team's salary before telling us your number.
Why? Because one of your primary responsibilities as a leader is to protect your internal talent, it should be a BIG NO RULE to bring someone new and pay them more than your internal talent.
- Share the budget with us promptly (Your Talent Acquisition Team or Recruiting Firm).
Tip: No shame on this. Just make sure the salary is fair. You can use one of my favorite rules: IT is what IT IS, at least BY NOW.
So, then UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT TO LOOK FOR + AFFORDABILITY THE SALARY TO OFFER = Clear understanding of what you need.
Now that all is clear. Let's find you the right talent.
"Because we cannot find THE TALENT that we cannot understand. Help me understand it, then I will find it." Ivonne Feizy
Ivonne Feizy
Managing Partner HR Business Solutions
Talent Acquisition Lead, Talent Passionate, and Coach.
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