Job seekers: Quick Ego Check. 11 ways to identify if it is helping or stopping you from landing your next opportunity.
Jan 16, 2023
Identifying and making peace with our Ego is crucial because it is part of us.
You can achieve this with awareness! In the Job Searching process, the goal is to identify your ego status and make it work in your favor.
Here is your Ego checklist: (As more positive responses, the higher your Ego is).
- You believe that you can work with anyone, any company, product, etc. Transferable skills exist, of course; however, the trigger here is that even when a company specified in a job posting they need experience in a specific vertical, you still apply to the opportunity) because you think that you can do everything.
- You have been for a long time on the market searching for a job.
- You talk too much during an interview.
- You want to dominate the conversation in an interview, even with hiring leaders.
- Your criteria of what a company should have is long and unrealistic.
- If a recruiter calls you, you want to dominate the conversation.
- A Recruiter / Recruitment Firm has contacted you, and you do not talk with anyone.
- You are rude to Talent Acquisition Teams / Recruiting Firms.
- You are seeing excuses outside of you.
- You are helping others except yourself.
And the number 11 is that you are feeling super uncomfortable reading this and want to debate with me now, ha.
So, let's breathe and make the best of this.
Here are some actions that will help you:
- Do an honest introspection looking for areas of improvement.
Focus on competencies. (Your knowledge, experience, competencies).
- Accountability. Check your numbers. Too many interviews? Too many applications? Red flag: The market is super-hot. (Get excited)
- Pay attention to consistent feedback. Ask for feedback from an ex-team member or, even better, an ex-leader. (Embrace to find help in what you do not like to hear).
- Refrain from repeating over and over the same routine, stop, and rethink your job search strategy. (Yes, you need to have one to accelerate the result).
So, remember, searching for a job and hiring is a road of two ways.
It is critical to believe in yourself and also accept that what others think about you in this specific process is the other 50%, and it matters too.
For your success
Ivonne Feizy
Talent Acquisition Lead, Talent Passionate, and Coach.
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